Root COVID-19 Update


A Message from Krista, Root Founder & CEO

Dear Root Community, 

I want to encourage you all to stay strong & have hope — to spread love & positivity.

While the outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic is still very uncertain, it is my responsibility to take care of my Root team & to have their, along with your, safety be my top priority.

In an effort to contribute to the overall actions our country is taking, we will be closing our Waverly retail store until further notice. Our hope is to continue to operate online & ship orders while scaling back our in-house staff & having our team work remotely as much as possible.

We don’t know the severity of all of this, & that is the scariest part. I pray we will look back & this will not be as bad as it could have been, but I believe it is all of the small social actions like this that will make the difference.

We intend to use this time to fill our platform with joyful content, hosting virtual events, tutorials & additional fun education. I pray that we all can use this time to make a positive impact within our families & ourselves.

We’re all in this together. We got this!  

xo, Krista